With Linen washed in dead lands..
Echoes become dumb..
And with outstretched hands...
Voices ran to the arms of dark hills...
Then washed we, our faces..
On riverbanks of nightmares..
Drank from the shores of dark ages..
To see visions of blood.
Then darkness shouts.
And shadows arise..
From the hollows of pain and misery..
Then evil scribbles on our fears,
Words of sorrow,
Written for the letters of tomorrow.
We hid in the sphinx of mercy...
Chasing peace by feigning morality,
Battles of the weak, we fought, laying waste..
Bodies for the merchants of mortality
Legs become heads,
talking with bloodshot eyes placed between toes..
While heads walk,
bruised on bottles,
Mixed with red-hot coals..
Then seasons resound,
the rain of terror,
upon the denizens of the lands of Canaan..
As we fallowed the remains of justice..
In the farmlands where carrion of hope,
were eaten by vultures..
We saw the visions of blood,
back in the lands of Egypt,
Cried out in warning.
To they who sat on diamond thrones..
But with outstretched arms..
Echoes were made dumb.
As our voices ran to the arms of dark hills..
All rights reserved 2014
Echoes become dumb..
And with outstretched hands...
Voices ran to the arms of dark hills...
Then washed we, our faces..
On riverbanks of nightmares..
Drank from the shores of dark ages..
To see visions of blood.
Then darkness shouts.
And shadows arise..
From the hollows of pain and misery..
Then evil scribbles on our fears,
Words of sorrow,
Written for the letters of tomorrow.
We hid in the sphinx of mercy...
Chasing peace by feigning morality,
Battles of the weak, we fought, laying waste..
Bodies for the merchants of mortality
Legs become heads,
talking with bloodshot eyes placed between toes..
While heads walk,
bruised on bottles,
Mixed with red-hot coals..
Then seasons resound,
the rain of terror,
upon the denizens of the lands of Canaan..
As we fallowed the remains of justice..
In the farmlands where carrion of hope,
were eaten by vultures..
We saw the visions of blood,
back in the lands of Egypt,
Cried out in warning.
To they who sat on diamond thrones..
But with outstretched arms..
Echoes were made dumb.
As our voices ran to the arms of dark hills..
All rights reserved 2014
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