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Showing posts from January, 2017

Journey to Yesterday

I wanted to live a life in reverse Time.   Space.     Matter.     designed in a multiverse   of emotions and memories connected inversely.. So that, the past becomes a journey to a future yet unknown with tokens of mistakes and failures we would have to pay on this journey to yesterday A journey where flaws were the bond-masters of slavery to our self-esteem A journey where you begin a song that ends with notes structured to always sound wrong. We told so many stories to our conscience convincing it that our mistakes was part of a grand design to make us warriors able to challenge our fears to a duel and win flawlessly. We even lied to our sanity. Preaching to her. The sermon of spontaneity. Convincing her that there is a herbalist that could make you rich by being lazy. And so we thought and were governed by these into experiences that said otherwise Our tears tasted like salt We choked in sullen grief when our beliefs were beheaded and hanged on a pike. ...

The Forbidden Fruit

Last night, i buried my thoughts alive. Six feet beneath the ground, covered in sands of temptation, guilt, seeking redemption. From, this discreet seduction, firing my desires to yonder heights. Like a colony of fireflies shining in a low-lit garden i followed this path to ruin ignited by an alluring duplicity of passion sediment-ed in sheer innocence of youth. We began with timid smiles of care touch in secret corners we could hear our minds speak to each other melting every iceberg of fear in the oceans of our hearts A rustle of emotions began like leaves seeking freedom from the slavery of confinement. We became bound in rhythm and songs as we held hands walking in the garden of Eden. We saw the serpent when we kissed deceitfully urging us to eat this forbidden fruit which           tasted                   'GREAT' with consequences that will send ripples of unrest across the calm rivers of our souls. Last n...