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Valleys and Hills...

The path to fame shows no remorse..
For the wretched sons of the poor..
The heart of shame places it blame..
On its failures and its flaw..

Life's storms seems to kiss the sky...
As it rages up and down..
In buoyant play. It spreads its wings to fly..
In the mirth of its glorious dance of destruction...

Like lilies on the shores of a white sea..
We become pawns to trials and throes..
Slapping the skin forbidden for the eyes to see..
Drowning in the chords of the sombre songs of woe..

Troubles become projects marked for release..
Mistakes, adventures on the valley of black stones..
Terracing through the streets of deceit..
Nemexix preaches the gospel of pre-dawning woes..

Astute claims of gross wisdom..
Finds no place in the mysteries of the kingdom..
Thus we ride on, like lambs to the kiln..
On life's valleys and hills..

We tend to love, cuddle and care..
For her, in oblivious display..
Rejection morphs out to suit the fear.
Formed in our hearts, with no delay..

Sorrow tends to crest cerulean tears..
On the faces of those who seeks repose.
In the arms of they who show no care..
Nor effectual recompense for the feelings they pose..

Hence on the valley of light..
Sorrow prattles, looking for who to chide..
Seeking for refuge in the caverns of delight..
Where grace and glory has gone madly wild..

Diamonds clinging on the trees of the rich as fruits..
In the fields where joy was led to the slaughter.
He seeks peace, but finds none, cos his riches
Were grounded on the blood of his daughter

Thus we strive on, going to and fro
In the desert of where fragments of mordern culture.
Engulfed the morality in the days of yore..
Sold to the merchants of weak structures..

And so we live on, walking through valleys and hills..
Leaving trails on the halls of history.
Some become shadows of the dying sun.
Others: Legends in the valley of the burned

We thus then seek to mend our ways..
In obscure, ill-defined self-centered will..
But in the end, we all recede..
To deathly hallows on life's hills..


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